
A Student’s Guide to Writing with ChatGPT

  1. 引用帮助:检查、调整参考引文格式

    Read through my essay and tell me if I’ve included inline citations for all my sources.

  2. 主题概览:获取关于新主题的基础性概述理解

    What is Keynesian economics, and how does it differ from classical economic theory?
    Give me a broad overview of different theories of motivation.

  3. 资源梳理:梳理资源路线图,获取相关的学者、论文、关键词等

    I’m researching the effects of social media use on mental health. Who are the leading scholars in the field and what are their major contributions? What sources should I consult, and what keywords can I use to search academic databases?

  4. 问题驱动学习 :通过提问厘清概念、填补空白,完善对主题的理解

    Here’s what I don’t get about quantum dynamics: Are we saying that Schrödinger’s cat is LITERALLY neither alive nor dead until we open the box? Or is the cat just a metaphor to illustrate the idea that electrons remain in superposition until observed?

  5. 大纲审查:检查调整大纲的组织结构、观点逻辑,增强行文流畅性

    Review my outline and give me feedback on the structure of my essay. Is my logic easy to follow? Do my ideas flow logically from one to the next? Where can I improve the structure to strengthen my argument or make the sequence clearer?

  6. 逆向提纲:总结文章段落要点,反向创建提纲,审视逻辑的连贯性

    Please create a reverse outline of my essay. Summarize each paragraph’s main idea in ten words, presenting them in outline form.

  7. 苏式反诘:通过苏格拉底式对话(Socratic dialogue)明晰和完善思想

    I’m writing a college paper about Virginia Woolf’s use of stream of consciousness in To the Lighthouse. (I’ll paste the assignment prompt and grading rubric below.) Please review the guidelines, then interview me about my ideas, guiding me through a series of targeted questions (one at a time) to help me:

    • Develop a clear, arguable thesis that addresses the assignment
    • Incorporate opposing views and consider diverse perspectives
  8. 反向辩驳:寻找逻辑的薄弱环节,完善可能忽略的反驳论点

    Which parts of my argument are solid, and where do I have logical inconsistencies? What counterarguments to my thesis have I not anticipated?

  9. 大师视角:扮演历史上相关主题的思想家,获得特定视角的反馈

    Let’s role-play a philosophical debate. You play René Descartes, arguing that free will is fundamental to human nature. I’ll play David Hume, arguing that all actions are determined by external causes. Each turn, ask me questions about my position, then rebut me drawing on Descartes’ published writings. Include entertaining stage directions. Start by concisely stating your position as Descartes.

  10. 整体反馈:通过多轮的反馈与迭代提升文章整体的写作

    Give me five ideas for how to improve my essay. I’m a college student working to improve my writing skills, so don’t rewrite it for me. Just give me feedback on the structure, argument, evidence, the clarity and flow of my writing, and anything else I can improve. Explain the rationale behind each suggestion.

  11. 阅读助手:开启语音模式,阅读中有任何疑问,时时答疑解惑,保持阅读节奏

    I’m reading The Birth of Tragedy, and Nietzsche says, “Man … is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art: in these paroxysms of intoxication the artistic power of all nature reveals itself.” What does that mean?

  12. 自我提升:完成任务的同时,基于ChatGPT的建议提升自身思维能力和写作技巧

    I want to be a better scholar, thinker, and writer. Based on my work in this essay, identify patterns and areas for improvement in my thinking and writing process, explaining the reasoning behind your feedback. Then suggest specific principles, practices, and strategies I can apply to improve my writing skills over time.