If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
—— Albert Einstein
The great end of life is not knowledge but action.
—— Thomas Henry Huxley
OpenSource Gnome Linux Python AI Robot ComplexSystem DataVisualization Cycling Hiking Skateboarding Swimming Travel Anime Painting Photography Design Violin Guqin Go FundamentalPhysics Astronomy SETI InterstellarTravel RuralFuture FutureTransport Metaverse BlockChain Web3 IOT Philosophy Psychology Religion Sociology Economics Finance Education Linguistics CognitiveScience BrainScience Genetics
, R2-D2
, BB-8
, Tachikoma
, Vector(Cozmo)
我要一所大房子,有很大的落地窗户 卧室里不放床,就睡在地板上 还要一面黑板墙,让我们随意涂